Find a Physical Therapist Near You
Physical therapists design personalized treatment plans to improve movement, reduce or manage pain, restore function, and prevent disability.
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- Need specific care? Enter search criteria to first list PTs whose profiles may match. No matches? Expand distance.
- Use the below filters to show only board-certified specialists, and providers who offer telehealth or home visits. Learn how search works.
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Terms of Use
Disclaimer. This Find a Physical Therapist tool is provided by the American Physical Therapy Association as a public service to connect referring providers and consumers seeking care with licensed physical therapists who are members of APTA. APTA does not guarantee the accuracy of the information in the database, most of which is managed by the individual physical therapists, and assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. APTA does not validate or endorse the skills, experience, and services that may be described in the directory.
Search Results. APTA makes reasonable efforts to list at the top of search results those providers whose profiles are relevant to your search words and phrases. There may be no providers in our database or in your area that exactly match your search criteria. In this case, the system will fill in results that possibly match your search criteria. After that, results for any PTs within your search radius (up to 20 per page) will populate the results listing. In some areas and for some specialized care needs, it is possible that there are no PTs near you who match or possibly match your search criteria. Expanding the distance to your search radius may help you find a PT whose clinical experience and expertise is relevant to your search criteria.
While all physical therapists listed in this database are qualified to diagnose, treat, and manage a variety of symptoms and conditions, you may have specialized care needs. You may want to consider seeing a physical therapist with expertise in a specific physical therapy specialty. APTA recommends contacting the PT or clinic to confirm whether they treat your symptoms or condition. If they don't, they may recommend a colleague who offers specialized care.
Use of this tool is subject to the following terms. The information in this directory is for use by individual consumers and referring providers seeking care only. The content may not be duplicated, republished, sold, or used for commercial purposes. APTA may block your access to this directory for any prohibited or suspicious use. If you wish to market to APTA members, see our information for advertisers and exhibitors. Additional information can be found in APTA's Websites and Forums Terms and Conditions.