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Jul 29, 2016 / Podcast
Erin Jackson endured intense chronic pelvic pain that caused her to postpone her wedding. Physical therapy helped her return to an active life.
Jun 16, 2016 / Did You Know?
People with chronic low back pain might get "modest, short-term pain relief" from opioids. But when it comes to long-term treatment, evidence to support the effectiveness of opioids is "lacking."
Feb 21, 2019 / Video
Physical therapist Stephanie Carter Kelley uses yoga to help people with chronic pain.
Mar 28, 2018 / Health Tips
Nearly all adults will experience low back pain at some point. Physical therapists dispel five common myths about low back pain and treatment.
Sep 12, 2019 / Podcast
After many years of opioid dependency, Justin Minyard was introduced to a balanced approach to pain management, including physical therapy, and regained control of his pain and his life.
Jul 24, 2024 / Guide
Brachial plexus injury occurs most often during the birth process. It is a ner injury that can range from mild to sever and may be temporary or permanent. A physical therapist helps to prevent arm tightness and promote function.
Whereas opioids only mask the sensation of pain, physical therapists treat pain through movement, hands-on care, and patient education, resulting in positive side effects like improved mobility, independence, and wellness.
Sep 30, 2018 / Health Tips
The most common skiing injuries happen to the lower limb, most commonly the knee. These tips from physical therapist can reduce your risk of being injured.
Oct 4, 2018 / Health Tips
Over any three months, about 25% of Americans will have low back pain, but treatment for low back pain often fails to reflect research-backed guidelines. So what are the best approaches to treating back pain?
Oct 10, 2017 / Did You Know?
Despite the nation's alarming opioid epidemic, a survey found that Americans prefer a nondrug approach to pain treatment.