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Dec 11, 2020 / Video
Exercises from physical therapists to help older adults who use a cane maintain their strength and overall health, and reduce their risk for falls.
Apr 17, 2018 / Video
"When people with chronic pain see a physical therapist for the first time, they're often pleasantly surprised by how much they improve," says Pat Sheehy, PT, MS.
Jan 24, 2019 / Video
A doctor discusses his patients' experiences with opioid dependence after surgery and how he helps them through other methods, including manual manipulation and physical therapy, without the potential side effects of opioids .
Oct 5, 2023 / Video
Curious about how physical therapists and physical therapist assistants can help people maintain or restore quality of life? This video explains.
Dec 11, 2020 / Video
Four exercises from physical therapists to help older adults who use a walker maintain muscle strength and overall health, and reduce their risk for falls.
Dec 11, 2020 / Video
Exercises from physical therapists to help older adults who walk without assistance maintain strength and overall health.
Feb 21, 2019 / Video
See a physical therapist if an injury or pain is keeping you from doing what you love.
Nov 6, 2019 / Video
After Achilles tendon reconstruction, Anush was in a boot for over 6 months. He started physical therapy while in his boot, including manual therapy and blood flow restriction therapy. Now he’s back to his passion of trail running.
Jun 3, 2020 / Video
Lisa Bell, PT, leads exercises for older adults and those with balance issues.
May 12, 2020 / Video
A physical therapist led exercise program with modifications from easy to moderate to maintain or improve strength and balance.