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ChoosePT Over Opioids for Safe Pain Management

Jun 28, 2016 / Podcast

Prescribed opioid painkillers may be effective over short periods and safe in low doses, but they come with great risks. There are other options.

7 Myths About Physical Therapy

Oct 7, 2014 / Podcast

Common misconceptions often discourage people from seeing a physical therapist. Seven common myths about physical therapy get debunked.

NASCAR and the Role of Physical Therapy

Mar 7, 2019 / Podcast

Jena Gatses, the first full-time female physical therapist and strength coach in NASCAR, shares her experiences treating racecar drivers and other high-profile clients, including actor Mark Wahlberg.

Fit After 50

Sep 30, 2012 / Podcast

A physical therapist discusses the importance of activity breaks for office workers, the role of balance in health and fitness, and ways stay fit after 50.

Success Story: Recovering from Total Shoulder Replacement with Dry Needling

Oct 10, 2013 / Podcast

The pain in Pam Pelton's shoulder was so severe she couldn't sleep. Then she tried dry needling with her physical therapist.

Living With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Aug 8, 2017 / Podcast

Victoria Graham attempts to go through each day with the positivity of a beauty pageant champion, but behind her smile is almost constant pain.

Success Story: Recovery from Traumatic Leg Injury

Oct 17, 2013 / Podcast

A water skiing accident nearly led to amputation. But surgeons saved her foot, and Linda Conklin began physical therapy determined to put it to good use.

Tips for Track and Field Athletes

Aug 23, 2016 / Podcast

The 2016 Olympic Games showcased the track and field sport, which may best exemplify the Olympic motto, "Citius, Altius, Forius" - "Faster, Higher, Stronger."

Benefits of Early Physical Therapy Treatment for Sciatica

Nov 5, 2020 / Podcast

Is a wait-and-see approach to sciatica (back pain that radiates to the leg) needlessly prolonging pain? Physical therapist Julie Fritz answers that question and more.

Risks of Youth Sports Specialization

May 6, 2016 / Podcast

A physical therapist discusses the potential dangers of sports specialization for young athletes.