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Studies Show a Lower Risk of Infection and Severe COVID-19 Outcomes for the Physically Active

Sep 30, 2022 / Did You Know?

Can regular physical activity reduce your risk of getting COVID-19 or other infectious diseases? A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine answers this question.

Physical Therapy and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: 5 Things You Should Know

Apr 11, 2023 / Health Tips

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a rare disease that causes muscles to degenerate. While there is no cure at this time, treatments and therapies, including physical therapy, can help people live longer and healthier lives.

Choosing Physical Therapy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Outperforms Surgery and Is Cost-Effective

Sep 19, 2023 / Did You Know?

Patients and referring providers have another reason to choose or recommend physical therapy to treat carpal tunnel syndrome according to a report by the American Physical Therapy Association.

Choosing Physical Therapy for Osteoarthritis of the Knee Outperforms Steroid Injections and Is Cost-Effective

Sep 19, 2023 / Did You Know?

Patients and referring providers have another reason to choose or recommend physical therapy to treat osteoarthritis of the knee according to a report by the American Physical Therapy Association.

Choosing Physical Therapy for Low Back Pain Outperforms Usual Primary Care and Is Cost-Effective

Sep 19, 2023 / Did You Know?

Patients and referring providers have another reason to choose or recommend physical therapy to treat low back pain according to a report by the American Physical Therapy Association.

Physical Therapy in Minnesota


You can see a physical therapist for evaluation and treatment without a physician's referral.

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Health Center on Cancer-Related Problems


Cancer, and the treatments for it, can cause physical problems such as pain, numbness, swelling, weakness, loss of balance, and difficulty moving or walking.

Pain Profile: Assess Your Pain

Sep 1, 2020 / Handouts

This pain profile can help you talk to your health care provider about how pain is affecting your life and your preferences for managing pain.