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Beginning Low Back Pain Treatment With Advanced Imaging Leads to Higher Total Costs

Apr 7, 2015 / Did You Know?

The first steps a patient takes in seeking treatment for back pain can greatly affect the total cost of care.

CDC Recommends Physical Therapy and Other Nondrug Options for Chronic Pain

Mar 16, 2016 / Did You Know?

With the overuse and risks of opioids for the treatment of chronic pain, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends nondrug approaches such as physical therapy to manage chronic pain.

Early Exercise Can Decrease Depression in Patients With Parkinson Disease

Jan 31, 2014 / Did You Know?

Exercise is known to offset many physical side effects of Parkinson disease. A recent study suggests that early exercise also can reduce depression symptoms among people living with the disease.

Early Physical Therapy Can Be Cost-Effective Treatment for Low Back Pain

Jul 1, 2013 / Did You Know?

Low back pain is the most common cause of job-related disability and a leading contributor to missed work. A recent study suggests there's no reason to delay physical therapy that might relieve the pain.

Exercise Helps Prevent Low Back Pain

Mar 30, 2016 / Did You Know?

If you need another reason to exercise, a systematic review and analysis of the data from 21 different randomized trials links exercise to a 35% reduction in the risk for low back pain.

Extra Steps Can Help Those at Risk for Diabetes Avoid Heart Attack, Stroke

Dec 23, 2013 / Did You Know?

People at risk for diabetes can cut their chances for a heart attack or stroke by 8% by walking an extra 2,000 steps a day — about 20 minutes daily of moderately paced walking.

Physical Activity Prevents Disease and Increases Life Expectancy

Apr 14, 2021 / Did You Know?

A study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine highlights the major public health problems linked to physical inactivity. The findings stress the importance of physical activity to prevent early death and many chronic diseases.

Physical Therapy a Good First Choice Before Surgery for Rotator Cuff Tears

May 29, 2014 / Did You Know?

Why get surgery if you don’t need it? Those who experience nontraumatic rotator cuff tears, for example, can do just as well with physical therapy.

Physical Therapy Lowers the Odds of Hospital Readmission or Death After Stroke

Apr 19, 2021 / Did You Know?

A study in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation found that patients do better after a stroke if they get physical or occupational therapy while in the hospital.

Recommendations for Tapering Off Long-term Opioid Use Hint: Don’t Go Cold Turkey

Nov 26, 2019 / Did You Know?

As America continues to fight the opioid epidemic, the Department of Health and Human Services has issued new recommendations to help patients who have been on long-term opioid therapy.