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Physical Activity After Concussion May Reduce Risk of Persistent Symptoms

Nov 2, 2017 / Did You Know?

In the past, doctors recommended delaying physical activity after a concussion. New research suggests that early return (within one week) to physical activity may actually decrease the likelihood of persistent symptoms in children and teens.

Physical Activity Plays a Greater Role in Obesity Than Caloric Intake

Feb 12, 2015 / Did You Know?

Physical activity, not caloric intake, is the bottom line for your waistline. This news is from an American Journal of Medicine study, "Obesity, Abdominal Obesity, Physical Activity, and Caloric Intake in US Adults: 1988 to 2010."

Kneecap Pain: 5 Research-Backed Tips To Get Better

Dec 9, 2019 / Article

Do you or someone you know have pain in or around the kneecap when doing these activities?

Surviving COVID-19 and ARDS: What You Should Know

May 19, 2020 / Health Tips

COVID-19 can cause symptoms ranging from mild to severe to no symptoms at all. People with severe symptoms may require care in a hospital and a ventilator to breathe due to acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Three Myths About Running, Plus Tips for Training

Nov 3, 2020 / Health Tips

“Train well, race well,” is the healthy running mantra of Physical therapist Robert Gillanders. Consider these myths and tips for healthy running from Gillanders and other physical therapists.

6 Tips to Shovel Snow Safely

Oct 17, 2017 / Health Tips

Snow shoveling is a repetitive activity that can cause muscle strain to the lower back and shoulders. A few precautions can help you avoid injury and get the help you need if you experience pain.

Recovery From a Stroke: 9 Benefits of Physical Therapy

Sep 4, 2020 / Health Tips

Each year, nearly 800,000 people in the United States experience a stroke that can lead to long-term disability. About two-thirds of people who survive a stroke will need some form of physical or other therapy.

10 Ways Physical Activity and Exercise Help During Cancer Treatment

Apr 15, 2024 / Health Tips

Physical activity and exercise provide short- and long-term benefits for people undergoing cancer treatment. Here's why it's recommended and how it can benefit you.

Top 4 Running Injuries Physical Therapists Help Manage

Feb 11, 2019 / Health Tips

There are numerous benefits to running, including improved cardiovascular, mental, and physical health, to name a few. Avid runners would love to live an injury-free life, but unfortunately running can be very hard on the body due to the repetitive impact of the activity.

5 Tips to Manage Chronic Pain

Oct 30, 2018 / Health Tips

No one wants to live in chronic pain. Understanding how pain works, what you can do about it, and where to get help are keys to addressing it without the risk of prescribed opioids.